- Lofofora
- Touching: A Research Method in Art and Design
- And Sometimes I Just Feel Like Melting
- Theatre Kikker
- (M)eet de Plastics
- It’s Plastic Bitch!
- From the Womb to Fake Tits
- De Plasticene
- Bioplastic Cooking Workshop
- MAAT Cosmetics
For the 50th anniversary of Theatre Kikker, I presented a new iteration of The Plasticene, where I built the installation in front of the audience, in a glass shipping container in the streets of Utrecht. I engaged with them in real-time as I discussed the project and invited them to interact with the materials. This live, evolving process allowed participants to witness the transformation of bioplastics and to witness their slow ritualistic creation.
The installation was particularly popular with children, who eagerly joined in to explore and engage with the materials. Recipes for creating bioplastics were shared, encouraging a hands-on connection to the creative process. Over the course of the exhibition, I performed with the plastics, continuously creating new bioplastics, and melting the bioplastics already in the space, which altered the space over the course of the exhibition.
As the exhibition progressed, the bioplastics gradually melted away due to the various performances and interactions, mirroring the fleeting, impermanent nature of the work and the material itself. This iterative process allowed the space to evolve dynamically, reinforcing the themes of transformation and the relationship between creation and dissolution.